Exciting Easy Reader series for your Kindergarten classroom!

The We Can Readers series consists of 32 level A-C books featuring neighborhood friends. The We Can Kids are a diverse group of schoolmates who know they can do anything when they work together. Each We Can Readers book features bright and fun illustrations paired with simple sentences for developing reading fluency.

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Lemonade Stand

Let’s have a lemonade stand! The friends are ready to work together to make and sell lemonade. Everyone has a job to do and it is so much fun when you work together. In this very simple 16-page reader, short sentences are paired with fun illustrations to get kids reading about the can-do-it attitudes of Su, Raj, Nat and Kat.
A Bath for Bandit

A Bath for Bandit


Buddy is a Puppy


Su Sings


Raj Plays Soccer

Meet the We Can Kids and their Pets


Nat Visits the Museum

Nat and his mom are in for a special treat- a visit to the museum. Pairing the silly and sweet, Nat finds his favorite painting and has a great day.

Su Sees

A simple walk in the park gets very exciting. Su sees a squirrel, a bird and then, a skunk! Find out what happens when the skunk sees Su.

Kat Reads

Kat is a busy girl. In this very simple 8-page reader, short sentences are paired with fun illustrations to get kids reading about Kat and all of the things she reads.

Raj Pets

Raj really likes animals. He gets to pet a lizard, a cat, a bird, and more in this cute story. In this very simple 8-page reader, short sentences are paired with fun illustrations.

Buddy Licks

Raj discovers that owning a puppy is a lot of fun and a lot of work. Buddy is a puppy, and that means he does lots of puppy things!

No, Bandit

Bandit’s scratching problem is out of control. He scratches the curtains. He scratches the couch. It’s up to Su to solve the scratching problem.

Raj Gets a Puppy

Raj has always wanted one. When he finally gets a puppy, Raj discovers that puppies are a lot of work.

Wet Dog

A rainy day only means one thing for Buddy: he will get wet. When Buddy gets wet, so do Raj and Su.

Sample Pages:

What Teachers have to say:

“I’m so excited to have this series in my classroom. It is a much-needed series for our schools.”

- Jennifer Watson

Houston Texas

“”Kat Makes” is a cute, easy-to-read book in We Can Readers series. I enjoyed listening to this short book being read by my kindergarten class. The repetition of the words “Kat makes” helped my kids remain confident in their reading. The quality illustrations provided useful clues when she stumbled across unfamiliar words.”

- Rachel Brown

Glendale, California

“A darling set of children’s stories with a good lesson. We Can Readers encourage our kids to do great things. My classroom loves these books.”

- Marlene Richmond

Newark, New Jersey


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